+965-24736434 conductive@cesk.edu.kw

“Conductive Education is not a miracle, not a therapy, Not a treatment. It is a system of learning in everyday life“

The holistic approach to educating the ‘whole child’ and supporting the family has proved to be a lifeline for everybody.

“Conductive Education School – Kuwait for Special Needs” committed to give to each individual the very best quality of school life, achieving success in their practical, social, and academic life. Conductive Education is removing the obstacle and empowering all the students to achieve their potential. Improving their self-esteem and confidence is central to our programs.

To grow to the optimum in mind, body and spirit, to be confident and happy that is we are aiming for. We believe that confident and happy children become successful learner.

We look forward to help you for a better future. You are an inspiration.

‘’Empower your children by giving them choices and opportunities’’

Csilla B. Ercan

(Lead Conductor)